Rental Rate by Crop District (non-arm’s length and property tax agreements
The following tables detail cultivated cash rental rates per acre by crop district. Note that these
figures exclude agreements between immediate family members and agreements under which
taxes are paid by the renter.

Note: This table is for cultivated cash rent only. Caution is advised in interpreting rates within districts that have fewer than 30 rental agreements.
Rental Rate by Soil Class (non-arm’s length and property tax agreements excluded)
Average cultivated cash rental rate per acre by soil class. Note that these figures exclude
agreements between immediate family members and agreements under which taxes are paid by
the renter.

Note: This table is for cultivated cash rent only. Caution is advised in interpreting rates within soil classes that have fewer than 30 rental agreements.
NA: No responses were received.
Rental Rate by Soil Class and Region (non-arm’s length and property tax agreements excluded)
Cultivated cash rental rates per acre by region and soil class. Note that these figures exclude
agreements between immediate family members and agreements under which taxes are paid by
the renter.

Note: This table is for cultivated cash rent only. Caution is advised in interpreting rates within regions/soil classes that have fewer than 30 rental agreements.
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
Land Lease Survey
February 2020
Insightrix Research Inc.
1‐3223 Millar Ave
Saskatoon, SK S7K 5Y3
P: (306) 657‐5640
E: info@insightrix.com
W: insightrix.com